Digital-Century Broker Reveals: Alternative NFT Platforms Gain Traction as Ethereum’s Sales Decline

Apr 28, 2023 (SeoXnewsWire) — Digital-Century Broker Jonathan Matthew Harris says that The world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) has been booming in recent years, with millions of dollars spent on digital art, collectibles, and other unique assets. While Ethereum has been the leading platform for NFT sales, other blockchains like Polygon, Cardano, and Solana have recently gained traction. This article will look closer at the rise of NFT sales on these platforms and what it means for the future of the NFT market.

Polygon NFT Sales Surge

Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network, is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum. It aims to provide a faster, cheaper, and more scalable alternative to Ethereum. In recent months, Polygon has emerged as a popular platform for NFT sales, with several high-profile projects launching on the network.

Cardano slips to 6th Place

Goofy Gophers and Spacebudz Drive 86% Sales IncreaseCardano, the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has slipped to sixth place behind Binance Coin (BNB) and Polygon (MATIC). This is according to data from Crypto Slam as of Monday afternoon. However, Cardano’s sales have increased by 86% over the past 24 hours, driven by the interest in two projects, Goofy Gophers and Spacebudz. These projects have seen over 185,000 ADA, equivalent to about $70,000, in trading volume in the last 24 hours, as per The surge in sales is a positive sign for Cardano, which has been facing stiff competition from other leading cryptocurrencies.

Solana (SOL) Records Impressive Sales Volume

Solana (SOL) is among the blockchains that have registered a significant surge in sales volume over the last seven days. The platform saw an upswing in sales, unique buyers, and unique sellers on April 22, with the release of the highly demanded NFT project Mad Lads. The project’s popularity was so high that its mint had to be delayed. As per Crypto Slam, the Mad Lads NFT project alone contributed over $8 million of the total $9.9 million in sales made on April 22, which marks the highest sales volume since January. Solana’s sales volume witnessed an impressive 129% growth in the past seven days.

One of the most significant factors behind the surge in Polygon’s NFT sales is the lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum. Ethereum’s high gas fees bottleneck NFT sales, with many buyers and sellers being priced out of the market. Polygon’s lower costs have made it much more accessible to a broader range of users, resulting in a surge in demand for NFTs on the platform.

Cardano and Solana NFT Sales Follow Suit

Cardano and Solana, two other popular blockchains, are also seeing a surge in NFT sales. Cardano is a third-generation blockchain that aims to provide a more energy-efficient and scalable alternative to Ethereum. Solana is a high-performance blockchain that aims to provide lightning-fast transaction speeds.

According to data from CryptoSlam, Cardano’s NFT market has seen a rise in sales volume, with several high-profile projects launching on the network. Solana’s NFT market has also seen a sharp increase in sales volume, with several projects selling out within minutes of launch.

The rise of NFT sales on Cardano and Solana can be attributed to a combination of factors, including lower transaction fees, faster transaction speeds, and a growing user base. As more developers and creators explore the potential of these blockchains, we can expect to see even more innovative NFT projects and use cases emerge.

Ethereum NFT Sales Slump

While the rise of NFT sales on other blockchains is exciting, it’s worth noting that Ethereum still dominates the NFT market. According to data from, Ethereum accounts for over 90% of the total NFT market.

However, Ethereum’s dominance of the NFT market has been slipping in recent months. The high gas fees and slow transaction speeds have created a bottleneck that has frustrated many buyers and sellers. As a result, they have begun exploring other platforms that offer a better user experience.

The rise of NFT sales on other blockchains does not necessarily threaten Ethereum’s position as the leading NFT platform. Instead, it highlights the need for Ethereum to address its scalability issues and improve the user experience. Ethereum 2.0, the highly anticipated upgrade to Ethereum, promises to address many of these issues. Still, it remains to be seen whether it will be enough to maintain Ethereum’s dominance of the NFT market.


The rise of NFT sales on Polygon, Cardano, and Solana indicates that the NFT market is evolving and growing. These platforms offer an alternative to Ethereum, with lower fees, faster transaction speeds, and a growing user base. While Ethereum still dominates the NFT market, the rise of these other platforms highlights the need for Ethereum to address its scalability issues and improve the user experience. As the NFT market matures, we expect to see more platforms emerge, each offering unique features and advantages.

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